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Woman Alone in Forest

Healing Goddess

Welcome. I'm so glad you stopped by.

I believe that everyone has the potential and ability to feel good and live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Many of my clients come to me feeling like they have lost the ability to feel good, don't deserve to be happy, and not meant to have a fulfilling life.

Whether taking part in my holistic coaching program, receiving intuitive and spiritual guidance from a reading with me, or receiving Reiki in session with me the goal is to empower you with useful information, tools , and energy healing. 

I help you confidently begin your journey. Whether it is a journey of healing from abuse, breaking free from a toxic environment, a spiritual awakening, a career change, or any other major life event.

Let me guide you home to yourself. It's time to awaken and reconnect with your inner spirit.

Below you will find a little blurb about me and the services I am currently offering with links to book, schedule a call, or contact me. 


My Journey

There HAS to be more. 

Every single day this thought went through my mind. I was in an abusive relationship. I was working in a toxic environment. I was run down, burnt out, and so unhappy. 

I felt like a shell of my former self. I had no interests, no hobbies, no drive, no purpose, and most certainly no direction (except in circles). I knew there had to be more, but where was it and how do I get there?

Once I decided that was enough and I was no longer available for anything less than the greatness I deserved... I started taking the steps I needed to find my way home to myself. I didn't need to know where I was going to end up or how I was going to get there ... Like you, I just had to take one step.

Since that first step, I have broken free from: 

👉 an abusive marriage

👉 a toxic work environment

👉 limiting beliefs about time , money , love, and power.

👉repeating patterns and cycles that were of no service to my growth

👉judgement and expectations of others

And it has led me to

👉 Uncovering my authentic self

👉Reconnecting with my unique God given gifts

👉Setting clear boundaries in all areas of my life to align with my core values 

(and most importantly for me)

👉freedom, happiness, peace, love, and simplicity

These experiences and this journey led me to becoming a Reiki Practitioner and a Holistic Coach which has led me here ... to help you. 

Reach out today so I can help you take those steps for yourself. 


Reiki ~ Readings ~ Coaching


Distance Reiki & Reading

Reiki: Universal life force energy


Reiki, the healing therapy created by a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui over a hundred years ago, is based on a simple spiritual principle: We’re all guided by the same Universal life force, and it controls our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If our "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many describe Reiki sessions as calming or grounding. And for others, it feels more like an emotional realignment. People (and studies) have claimed a link between Reiki and a reduction in feelings of pain and anxiety.

The session is done from the privacy of each of our homes and lasts approximately 30 minutes.

In addition to the Distance Reiki, during the session, I sometimes receive messages. This could range from messages from a passed on spirit to intuitively guided messages. I pass all of this along to you in a video or an email.


I will pull 3 Tarot or Oracle cards targeting a question or topic that you provide and send the reading in a video as well. 

You will also receive a Divinely guided positive affirmation as part of your session notes. 


You have the option of full distance sessions (no contact during the session at all) or virtual sessions (over zoom). 

The idea behind what I do is that while I am aiding in the energy shift and supporting you the whole time, you are responsible for maintaining the shift and continuing the healing.

I like to leave you with tools and actionable steps for you to use for aide wherever the additional attention is needed.

While clients have felt a difference after just one session, it is my experience that the real shift doesn't really begin to be sustainable until a minimum of 3 sessions... so that is where the package offerings for this service begin and you can book up to 12 at a time.

3 sessions, every 2 or 4 weeks = $333

6 sessions, every 2 or 4 weeks = $588

12, every 2 or 4 weeks = $1066

*add the benefit and healing of chakra crystals being tapped into and utilized during the session. The email/video you receive following your session will also include photos of the seven chakra crystals chosen for your healing and how they relate to each chakra they worked with. Add to some or all sessions for an energy exchange of $22 per session*

Follow this link to book your sessions today... Calendly - Danielle

Tarot Reading

Tarot and/or Oracle Card reading

Ask the Tarot - These are 30 minute readings meant to explore a topic or an area of your life you are seeking guidance in. 

Relationship Readings - look at the energy of you, energy of the other person, and then energy of the relationship. The reading is usually 30 minutes and can apply to any relationship ... friendship, business, familial, romantic.


You have 2 options for how to receive your reading ... pre-recorded video or live over zoom. 

Follow this link to book your sessions today... Calendly - Danielle


1:1 Holistic Coaching

The unique and proven 4 part holistic framework of YouMap™ coaching meets intuitive guidance and energy healing in a program that fosters the understanding and integration of the 12 Universal Laws. 

This program may be right for you if you are ready

👉to be empowered with hope, purpose, and clarity

👉to get clear on your own unique gifts

👉to connect with the unseen forces all around you

👉to create boundaries in your life that reflect and uphold your core values

👉to discover what truly lights you up as well as what sucks the life out of you and how to attain balance

👉to recreate your life based on your authentic identity and truth

👉for a deeper understanding of working with the Universe

👉to resuscitate, reconnect with and unleash your inner spirit


You can order your own YouMap™ report and use it as a self discovery tool and forego the coaching altogether, even if just for now, for $129. 

Basic 1:1 YouMap™ coaching over 4 weeks for $849... We uncover and deep dive into your top strengths, get clear on your core values and make sure they are being honored, determine what energizes you and what drains you and how to maintain balance, as well as review of your personality assessment that pulls it all together. Workbook inlcuded. 

This is a great choice if you are at a crossroads in your career, relationship, or life in general and in need of general guidance.​

8 week 1:1 coaching program for $1222... In addition to the YouMap™ report and the 4 weeks of coaching described above you will receive ... 4 additional weeks of Spiritual & Intuitive Guidance for optimal alignment in all areas of your life. This includes 4 Reiki & Reading sessions, 4 Oracle or Tarot Card readings in response to a question or topic, a positive affirmation sent at the top of each week for additional support, an Oracle card message at the top of each week for additional guidance, AND full access to me by phone, text, and email throughout the full 8 weeks for any support or guidance you may need. 

Book a call with me today to learn how to get started ... Calendly - Danielle


1:1 DIY Chakra Healing program

We bring healing in through all of our senses, in a super relatable and super easy way. 

You walk away with the information needed to discern which chakra needs your attention and the tools to assist that are easily applied to your everyday life.

Each week for 7 weeks we focus on a different chakra during our 30 minute zoom call. This call jam packed with information, tools, & exercises that you can start implementing immediately ... including affirmations and journal prompts.You also recieve a 20 minute distance Reiki healing session specifically focused on that chakra. 

Energy Exchange $555


Discounts and Promos

📣 Existing clients: for every referral you send to me that books a session you will receive 10% off your next booking.

Client Reviews

Hear It from Them

"I sincerely recommend a card reading with Danielle. I was fortunate enough to take up an opportunity for a reading with her recently and I’m so glad I did, As a reader myself I know the real deal when I see it. She’s friendly, open, professional and intuitive and the information was accurate and pertinent. Highly recommended"

Vicky Wheeler

"So happy for you and to recommend your services. I was a customer of Danielle's and was very grateful to receive a reading from her. From one reader to another, I admire natural ability above all else and Dani's got it. Engage her services and you won't be disappointed."

Rick-Michael King

" I feel a difference since our last session and I'm loving it. I haven't felt this good or clearheaded in a long time. Peaceful. I needed that. Plus, I've always felt a connection to the divine or universe, and I had felt like I lost that connection in the past. Few years, but you have also helped me regain that connection. And I am so grateful."

Reiki & Reading client May 2022

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